About Us

We’re HoneypotDB

Our Mission

At HoneypotDB, we’re tackling a number of issues with the current quality of threat intelligence, including its unreliability, often being stale or irrelevant, hard to understand and complexity to take true advantage of.

Our solution is a Threat Intelligence platform that’s driven by a global network of thousands of CVE Honeypots, collecting real-world attack data based on the activity of hackers in the wild.

We’re capturing everything, from the tactics, procedures, tools and payloads used by attackers in the wild to generate our intelligence and bridge the gap for analysts to better understand attacks

Passionate about TI

Meet the Team

Born from a shared passion for technology and security, our founding duo Brad and Matt both have first-hand experience as Analysts on Team Blue, Innovating as Engineers and building products from the ground up.

Reach out to us on LinkedIn to learn more

Connect with us on LinkedIn

Brad King

Director & Co-Founder


Matt Limb

Director & Co-Founder


Wes King

Product Engineer


‘From up North’

Based In Manchester

Based in the heart of Vimto and pies on a barm cake, we’re proud to call Manchester our home. A stone’s throw away from St Peters Square we’re based at DiSH (GM Digital Security Hub).