Meet our first Investor!

Brad King

Development Updates

Since announcing the start of our £250K pre-seed investment round, we’ve engaged in numerous productive discussions with early-stage investment firms and angel investor syndicates. This investment will significantly accelerate HoneypotDB’s development and expand our outreach efforts.

In addition, we are thrilled to invite industry experts and angel investors to join us even earlier through our £50K SeedFast ASA round. This initiative allows early-stage investors who believe in our vision to support us with a preliminary ASA investment.

Announcing Our First Investor

We are delighted to announce that Neil Lathwood, CTO of PTX, has become HoneypotDB’s first investor!

With 23 years of experience as the CTO of UKFast, one of the UK’s largest data centre and hosting companies, Chief Product Officer at ANS Group and his current role at PTX, a digital innovation consultancy, Neil brings invaluable expertise. We are excited to collaborate with Neil, leveraging his guidance to shape our product, refine our go-to-market strategy, and enhance our technical capabilities, ensuring HoneypotDB’s growth and success.

“With threat intelligence playing such a pivitol role within the technology world and beyond, it’s extremely important that people have access to a platform that really helps democrotize the underlying data and makes it more accessible. HoneypodDB are trying to do exactly that and I’m really excited to be involved in that journey with Brad and Matt.”

Neil Lathwood, CTO of PTX

Technical background

We are thrilled to have Neil on board as a fellow tech enthusiast. He shares our passion for large infrastructure projects, DevOps, and the technologies we utilize at HoneypotDB, such as Ansible and Terraform. Neil’s expertise in these areas will be instrumental in enhancing our implementation of these technologies and advancing our product development.

“I’ve been very fortunate to work alongside Neil at UKFast and it’s great to have his backing for HoneypotDB.

His knowledege and expertise in security products and cloud infrastructure along with his continued support and expertise today will enable us to grow and develop HoneypotDB by providing experienced ideas and advice.”

Matt Limb, Director & Co-Founder of HoneypotDB
Matt Limb

Building a team

Having worked with Neil previously at UKFast, both Matt and I (Brad), HoneypotDB’s founders, are particularly thrilled to have him on board. We aim to replicate the team spirit, culture of personal growth, and drive for technical innovation that Neil fostered at UKFast here at HoneypotDB.

Image of Brad

“Starting as an apprentice at UKFast where I worked alongside Neil, my experience there solidified my passion for technology, boosted my confidence, and steered my career toward Cyber Security and DevOps. To have Neil onboard for the next part of our journey is recognition of the hard work that Matt and myself have put in to HoneypotDB.

As a founder of a new business, I aspire to cultivate a strong team culture and ensure our employees’ success, wherever their careers may lead them.”

Brad King, Director & Co-Founder of HoneypotDB

How You Can Invest

There’s still an opportunity to join us as an early investor through our £50K ASA round. We’re also looking to speak with large angel investor syndicates/groups and investment firms that specialise in early-stage investments to join us on our £250K round.

These are excellent ways to support and become part of an exciting new cyber threat intelligence startup committed to creating activity-driven threat intelligence based on real-world attacker behaviours.

Discover more about becoming an investor here or reach out to me (Brad) on LinkedIn to discuss further.

Keep updated

We hope you’re as excited about the start of HoneypotDB as we are. Access to our current releases is exclusive to beta testers only.

If you want to join our mission to fix Threat Intelligence speak to us about becoming a HoneypotDB Beta Tester and signing up for our Beta Program.

We’re building, a platform that captures real-world attacks for the latest CVEs to help analysts build detection rules and defenses.

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We’re planning to post regular updates on our development progress on this blog. So keep us bookmarked, or watch out for the post on socials. 

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