We’re live!

Brad King

Beta Program

Exciting News: Our Product is Now Live!

We are thrilled to announce that the inaugural version of our product is officially available for demonstration, showcasing the remarkable intelligence it brings to the table.

Unveiling Cyber Runway Live

Just recently, Matt and Brad seized the opportunity to journey to London and participate in Plexal’s Cyber Runway graduation event, aptly named “Cyber Runway Live.” This event provided an excellent chance for us to reconnect with familiar faces, as well as to network with fellow startups, investors, and key industry players.

The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the launch of our product. As the event drew to a close, we took the stage to present our product to a captivated audience comprising industry experts, startups, and investors. Following an engaging pitch, we proudly unveiled our product with a ceremonious push of a big red button. To add a touch of excitement and a dash of humor, our slides decided to play a brief game of hide-and-seek before joining us on stage, proving that even in the tech world, a good laugh is sometimes the best debug tool!

Brad and Matt at Cyber Runway Live

Experience the Demo

Continuing with the motif of the big red button, our alpha version consists of a simple page showcasing the type of intelligence we aim to deliver through our platform.

You can experience this firsthand on our demo page , where you have the opportunity to press the big red button yourself and witness a real-SSH based attack that we’ve captured. We’ve meticulously mapped this attack onto an attack chain, correlating each step with MITRE’s attack framework. Additionally, we’ve granted complete access to the example’s data, offering a tangible demonstration of how this attack unfolds in the wild.

Demo attack

As we continue to enhance the product, we are transforming this page into our product’s free version. This evolution will enable effortless querying of any indicator, CVE, or threat through the search bar at the top of the page. Subsequently, we will furnish a comprehensive overview of the threat’s real-world risk, observed patterns, trends, and an example attack chain based on the data we’ve captured.

We encourage you to stay tuned to our ongoing development and revisit regularly to explore new features.

Become a Beta Tester

During Cyber Runway Live, we excitedly revealed the initiation of our Beta Program, an opportunity for industry experts, analysts, and organizations to utilize our product and provide invaluable feedback. We are eager to gain insights into how we can enhance our product, understand the day-to-day challenges faced by our customers, and integrate solutions for these challenges into our evolving platform.

To foster community engagement, we’re planning to host events and challenges such as hackathons and CTFs (Capture the Flags), with beta testers receiving priority access to these activities and exclusive merchandise.

We extend an open invitation for individuals to join our beta, and we invite you to connect with our community on slack .

For more details, explore our beta program page .

Where to follow

Become a beta tester and join us on our mission to fix Cyber Threat Intelligence. We’re building, a platform that captures real-world attacks for the latest CVEs to help analysts build detection rules and defences.

We’re also planning to post regular updates on our development progress on this blog. So keep us bookmarked, or watch out for the post on socials. 🚀


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